Pricing for full transparency

Average window cleaning prices

Flats -  £10

Bungalow - £10

Terrace houses -   £13 £10

Semi Detatched -   £18 £15

Detatched -   £25 £20

Conservatory, Velux and Dorma windows generally included

Garage doors - cleaned on request

Named and larger houses - please request a quote.

Back to back houses £10

Please feel free to inquire about the any of the pricing on this page in relation to your property as these prices are an average.

Price match available with proof of receipts.

Never before 8am.

Accepting bank transfers, cash and cheques

Conservatory roof, soffit and fascias and solar panel cleaning

  •  Conservatory roof cleaning starts from £50 and generally averages between £50 - £100
  • Solar Panels are charged at a flat £6 per panel
  • Soffit, Fascias and external gutter cleaning on average will be around £50 - £100 for all three.


Gutter and commercial cleans

  • Gutter clearing is typically £30 a side which includes all tiers, when having a full house cleaned with 3+ sides, we regularly offer a discount when having them all cleaned.
  • Commercial cleans may request a quote where possible discounts may be available. We clean from schools and care homes to shops and car showrooms. No job is ever too small or too big.
  • Subletting can be discussed either formally or informally.
  • Out of hours cleans  available for commercial properties.


Make a booking below
Terms are stated after submission


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